Italian (IT)

Octopus PDM for Rhinoceros


Managing technical product documents can be a challenge.
Growing with complexity, we use simple systems such as CAD-Data management, then the DMS (document management system) to facilitate the creation and organization of shared content, the PDM (product data management) to collect the information of the products, finally PLM (product lifecycle management) tools to support the life cycle of products and services, from their conception, to development, to market launching, to withdrawal.
They are usually used together with computer-aided design (CAD) for technical documentation and product manuals.

Octopus for Rhinoceros is born as DMS integrated with Rhinoceros and in the future it will become a PDM.

Octopus for Rhinoceros features are:

  • users and user groups creation with specific access and function limits
  • centralized storage for datas and documents on a managed server, even in the cloud
  • coding according to rules, with customized metadata
  • adding a title block in drawing with metadata
  • quick search using codes and code classes
  • search by metadata
  • personalized workflow and revision management
  • BOM creation

Octopus is in beta version.
It's free distributed as a time beta.
You must update the program to the latest version available to continue using it after expiry.

Minimum system requirements
Windows 10 (version 1607 or later), Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 SP1
1GHz processor
1 GB of RAM
Octopus for Rhinoceros uses Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1, which is installed automatically if it's not already present in the system.
Octopus for Rhinoceros uses hard disk to store archive files, disk space requirements depend on the archived documents.

If you want to get Octopus, click the button below.

Support us and Donate
You can show your appreciation for Octopus for Rhinoceros and support future development by donating.
Thank you!

Donate with PayPal
You can provide direct support by way of donating. I appreciate any amount.
To make a donation, click on the PayPal button.


I take time from my personal live to support the project.
I understand that not everyone can donate, but I love it when people show they care by sharing.

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